Empowering Growth and Development: DoD Mentoring

DoD Mentoring is a collaborative initiative designed to foster a culture of growth, development, and collaboration across the Department of Defense. Our mission is to provide a supportive framework for mentors and mentees to connect, learn, and thrive together. Through mentoring, individuals can establish meaningful relationships, acquire new skills and competencies, and achieve their personal and professional goals.  This website provides a wealth of resources, including templates, worksheets, and training materials, to support mentors and mentees in their roles, helping them to navigate the mentoring process, set goals, and track progress.

We also offer a range of tools, resources, and guidance to help mentoring program coordinators and agencies establish and enhance their own mentoring programs, ultimately cultivating a mentoring culture that is enduring, inclusive, and empowering mentoring culture.

By providing access to best practices, policies, and expertise, we aim to inspire a community of leaders and learners who are committed to excellence, innovation, and mutual support.


Someone sharing their knowledge, skills, and experience with another person to help them progress. Mentoring   provides employees vital resources and guidance in improving professional performance, personal growth, and career decision making. It’s accomplished through many different forms, discussed below.

Benefits of mentoring for dod employees

Organization Benefits of Mentoring:

coaching vs mentoring


what is the difference between coaching and mentoring?

types of mentoring

Overview (mentoring 101)

Formal Mentoring programs frequently pair participants for six months up to one-year. Typical steps to developing, maintaining, and closing a mentoring connection include the following: