Benefits Publications
B&R Newsflash Articles
The Benefits and Retirement Branch issues Newsflash articles to keep the DOD HR Community abreast of changes to Federal Benefits and Retirement programs, as well as DoD Entitlements. These short articles announce significant policy or procedural changes. They also highlight accessible and shareable content to increase employee awareness.
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20222021BENEFACTS NewslettersThe BENEFACTS Newsletter is published by the Benefits, Wage & NAF Policy Directorate . This newsletter provides quarterly updates on policy relevant to Federal Benefits and Entitlements, Injury and Unemployment Compensation, Wage and Salary, and NAF. Newsletters are issued via email to subscribers. To start receiving the BENEFACTS Newsletters, email us at to subscribe.
BWN End of Year ReportsThe End of Year report, also developed and published by the Benefits, Wage & NAF Policy Directorate , is a comprehensive overview of what DCPAS has accomplished throughout the calendar year to fulfill its mission to support the “whole person – whole career” model for every DOD employee.