Priority Placement Program Course (Overseas)

This special DCPAS Priority Placement Program (PPP) Training Course for CONUS HR Practitioners Servicing Positions Overseas is conducted for stateside Human Resources practitioners who work with the PPP and have servicing responsibility for positions overseas. This course covers only those policies and procedures that are unique to overseas areas. HR practitioners who attend must have previously attended the PPP Basic Course and must have a good working knowledge of the PPP since basic policies and procedures are not taught. The course focuses on two primary aspects of the PPP: 1) Clearing overseas positions through the Automated Stopper and Referral System; and 2) Registering displaced and nondisplaced overseas employees and nondisplaced overseas family members. This two-day course is offered twice a year (Atlantic and Pacific regions) with additional courses added at the request of DOD Components. The maximum course size is 30.
